Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 9 - June 17

Friday, June 17

Friday again already! I can't believe we've already been here so many days! This morning we had devotions again and then headed toward our next hotel in Jerusalem, with a few stops along the way. Our first stop was right in the backyard of Nazareth, Jesus' hometown. We looked at/walked through fields. Parable of the sowing of the seeds is about making sure our hearts are full of good soil and all the bad is out so the farmer/God can plant. We all grabbed stones from the farmers field and threw them out to represent what can be done in our hearts. Next we went to Mt. Carmel where Elijah had the compitition with the worshippers of baal. After eating lunch there we went to Caesarea. This place was so cool! I guess I didn't learn a ton about the history and stuff of the city but I know Herod (biggest & best type of guy) had hs house right here on the mediteranian Sea. It looks like it was an absolutely beautiful city! The water here was just so stinkin' awesome! We stood in the middle of the sports arena and Kent had us picture the Hebrews 11 people and family members sitting in those stands and cheering us on in the race that Paul writes about. 'such a great cloud of witnesses.' [BTW I just thought of this, yesterday, we were talking about schooling. christian/public/home and which is the right/wrong option and which is just prefered. Everyone has different opinions of course but at the end we recited Deut 6 where it talks about impressing these words/your godly lifestyle onto your children. I can never forget that my children oneday learn first and foremost from me as a parent and it is my responsibility to teach them!] Also, in this city we went and sat in the theatre. We discussed things like how much we should be in the world in order to influence it. We talked about how much we encourage those christian kids who want to go into missions/bible training or seminary but the ones who are very gifted in other areas like art and things. Their parents mostly are their church also, need to be encouraging these kids from day one to pursue their dreams all while showing them that godly example that they need to learn if they are going to be using their gift out there in the world of non-believers. they also need their community to stand behind them. We drove from there to a quick stop at a scale model of the entire city of Jerusalem during the second temple period. Next we drove down town to the Western/Wailing Wall. Jews come from all over the world to pray here because it is the closest to the real temple (only original wall still standing). we went up to it and said the shema but didn't feel too much. There were so many people there praying, expecially because we were there on Shabbot. then we drove to the Olive tree Hotel. this hotel is the bomb! It is just beautiful, but my and Beka's room has a porch overlooking the city! It is sooo cool! Dinner and dessert were fabulous. Then us and the guys just sat out on the porch and talked. That was a great time. Beau and Esther miscarried this past week, pray for strength for me as I'll be e-mailing this tomorrow and then calling them later on. I don't really know what to say. BARUK HASHEM.

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